I got up this morning for my run and followed the Buffalo Trail. It was beautiful, serene, and shaded....I was running along listening to my ipod (I know, but I like the company) when on the trail I see a little turtle on the path just looking at me. I stopped and we looked at each other and then as I approached he retreated to his shell. I went on my way, but thought again about how cool it is to have these encounters. I came to a fork on the trail and wasn't really sure which way to take. Mark knows I cannot resist a corner/curve because I always want to see what's around the corner or over the hill. Well, this happened to with a steep incline. I ended up walking up the last bit, but when I got to the top was treated to a magnificent view of the park and Sulphur below me. Green treetops everywhere! It was well worth the climb. I was also greeted by a sign that had distances to other parts in the park...I decided to retreat and follow the other path which took me back to where I started. A slower, but great run...it was fun to run and explore! :)