Monday, April 19, 2010

I was most excited this morning. Today was the start of my week at school celebrating National Park Week. As part of my commitment from being a Teacher-Ranger-Teacher this past summer, I am in uniform this week at school....and loving it!

It felt great to get up this morning and to put on my grey and green. Thanks to Lauren, and her work to get my a badge, I am completely official---thank you!

I had a lot of record setting to do today with my students. No, they don't need to salute me. I am not an officer. It is NOT a costume. I definitely got a lot of double takes and some, "Oh! Ms. Trenkle! That's you!" I also got a lot of compliments that the uniform fit my personality--I must admit, I like hearing that. :)

In class today we talked a bit about why I was in uniform today--being National Park Week and all. I also introduced the field trips to DC National Parks that I will be taking after school with the kids for this coming week. The kids are pretty excited. I'm very excited too! Stay tuned to find out where we are going!

I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of the week! :)


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